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Mastering Taller Cylinders & Functional Lidded Forms

“Online teaching has been an extremely positive experience. Students get instant feedback and ask questions live and in person, while working in their own comfortable environment.”


Join an online pottery course led by master potter, Chris Snedden, who brings over 40 years of experience. This course is designed to refine your throwing skills, focusing on achieving taller cylinders and mastering lid systems for functional pottery such as teapots, casseroles, and jars. You'll also learn efficient production techniques to enhance your pottery-making speed, all while receiving direct, personalized feedback.


Key discussions will include the proportions of forms and the relationship between different parts of your pieces. This student-directed course encourages you to bring any pottery-related questions, which will be explored and guided by the instructor. 


Technical Requirements:

  • A set of calipers, regular throwing tools, access to a pottery wheel and kiln (if possible)

  • Reliable high-speed connection

  • Classes will be conducted via Zoom. A Zoom link will be emailed to each participant, and the same link will be used each week.

  • If you need assistance setting up your camera or phone, this will be reviewed during the first class.

  • Small class size ensures that each student receives direct and personalized feedback.

  • All sessions will be recorded and made available for you to rewatch or catch up on if you miss a class.


Week 1: Introduction and Skill Assessment

  • Overview of course objectives and expectations

  • Set-up of cameras for best angles

  • Initial assessment of students' current throwing skills

  • Introduction to techniques for achieving taller cylinders

  • Interactive Q&A session for student-directed learning goals


Week 2: Mastering Taller Cylinders

  • Techniques for centering larger amounts of clay

  • Throwing exercises focused on creating taller forms

  • Live demonstrations and personalized feedback

  • Student practice session with real-time guidance


Week 3: Lid Systems for Functional Pottery

  • Introduction to various lid systems for teapots, casseroles, and jars

  • Demonstration of throwing and fitting lids

  • Practical exercises in creating lid systems

  • Group discussion on common challenges and solutions


Week 4: Production Techniques for Pottery

  • Strategies for increasing production efficiency

  • Tips for consistent sizing and shape in repeated forms

  • Introduction to batch processing techniques

  • Practice session focusing on speed and precision


Week 5: Proportion and Form Analysis

  • In-depth discussion on the proportion of forms

  • Understanding the relationship between different parts of pottery pieces

  • Live critique session of student work with a focus on proportion

  • Q&A and group discussion on design aesthetics


Week 6: Student-Directed Projects and Final Review

  • Open studio time for students to work on individual projects

  • Ongoing feedback and support from the instructor

  • Final review of student work, highlighting progress and areas for improvement

  • Wrap-up discussion on applying learned techniques to future projects


Tools and Materials Needed:

  • A set of calipers

  • Regular throwing tools (e.g., wheel, clay, trimming tools)

  • Access to a pottery wheel and kiln (optional for those who wish to fire their work)


Learning Outcomes:


By the end of this course, students will:

  • Improve their throwing skills, particularly in creating taller cylinders

  • Master the creation and fitting of lids for functional pottery

  • Enhance their production speed and efficiency

  • Develop a deeper understanding of form proportion and design aesthetics

  • Gain confidence in tackling pottery challenges through student-directed exploration and feedback



Sessions: 6 Sessions, Tuesdays 6 - 9 p.m.

Duration: October 8 - November 12, 2024

Class Size: 9 participants

Format: Online with live sessions and personalized feedback

Prerequisites: Intermediate pottery throwing experience and experience communicating over Zoom or other video conferencing platform

Instructor: Chris Snedden​​​


FUSION Members 

$300 + HST

​General Public

$395 + HST  

Chris Snedden

Chris Snedden, a potter with over 40 years of experience in London, Ontario, discovered his passion for clay at BealArt and furthered his studies at Georgian College. Throughout his career, Chris has built electric kilns, taught nationwide workshops, and completed private commissions, including liturgical pieces and recognition awards. An active member of the arts community, Chris has held leadership roles in FUSION: The Ontario Clay and Glass Association. He currently teaches at Lambton College, at Clayworx (formerly the London Clay Art Centre), and has built a solid reputation for delivering engaging online classes, while continuing to create and exhibit his award-winning work

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